250 2023 年 11 月 1 日的 3DDD/3DSky 专业模型包
3DDD/3DSky Pro Model Bundle 1 Nov 2023
格式:包含 3ds Max(支持 Vray / Corona 渲染器)、obj、fbx 等格式,并且附带纹理.
座椅类:1743 SILLA、Arm chair_Husk、Armchair Angel、Armchair Cloud、Armchair Dudet by Cassina 等多种不同风格和款式的椅子,如现代简约风、欧式古典风等,适用于各种不同的场景建模.
床类:Bed Chievo 80 from divan、Bed Childroom Set 7、Bed meridiani cliff 等,涵盖了卧室床、儿童床等不同类型的床模型,可满足不同空间的设计需求.
沙发类:B&B Italia Harry Sofa、BOCA TOMMY Sofa、BoConcept Carlton Chaise Longue Sofa 等,有不同材质、颜色和设计感的沙发,可用于客厅、休息区等场景的布置.
桌子类:Resident Plane Dining Table and Resident Passenger Chair、BEAM RECTANGULAR DINING TABLE、Coffee table CHARLESTON by Frato 等,包括餐桌、咖啡桌等多种类型的桌子模型.
灯具类:Ball table lamp by Helen Loom、Bank Pendant Lamp by Menu.png、Chandelier Colosseo80314-8W Clementina Chrome 等,有台灯、吊灯等不同类型的灯具,可为场景增添不同的光影效果.
摆件类:Abstract sculpture hypercube、Deer Figurine、Decorative Astronaut 等,各种风格独特的雕塑摆件,可提升场景的艺术氛围和趣味性.
花瓶花束类:A bouquet of lunaria、A bunch of pampas in a vase、Arteriors Phoebe Vases 等,不同种类的花瓶和花束模型,可用于装饰桌面、窗台等位置,增加场景的生活气息.
厨卫用品类:Bath set、Bathroom accessories 4、Ceramic Tiles Kerama Marazzi Bianco Nero 等,包含浴室套装、卫生间瓷砖等模型,可用于完善厨卫空间的设计.
电子产品类:Acer Travelmate P645 notebook、Apple iPhone X (vray GGX) 等电子产品模型,可使场景更加贴近现实生活.
食品类:Baked meat with grilled vegetables with spices、Cheese Plate With Sausages and Wine Alcohol 等食物模型,可用于餐厅、厨房等场景的细节丰富.
植物类:A beautiful interior plant in a modern flowerpot 242 6、Cactus & plant vol 6、Collection of interior plants in white rattan baskets Set 713 等,不同种类的植物模型,可用于室内外的绿化装饰,营造自然氛围.
交通工具类:Bmw i3、Bmw M5 2021、Citroen C5 X 2022 等汽车模型,可用于室外场景、停车场等相关场景的建模.
建筑构件类:Door 0001、Door Collection 11-Interior – Glass Door、Concrete Toilet Set 等,可用于构建房屋、建筑物的内部结构.
娱乐设施类:Carousel 02、Cinema Cart set 1 等,适用于公园、游乐场、电影院等娱乐场所的场景设计.
服装配饰类:Armchair bag with bright print (set of 5 pieces) 等,可为人物角色或场景中的道具增添细节和特色.
3DDD/3DSky Pro Model Bundle 1 Nov 2023
Formats: 3ds Max (Vray / Corona), obj, fbx, Textures included
142 hallway zone minimal wood japandi
1743 SILLA
237 happy new year modern Christmas trees
267 wall composition 9 bedroom headboard kit 4
331 Resident Plane Dining Table and Resident Passenger Chair
A beautiful interior plant in a modern flowerpot 242 6
A bouquet of lunaria
A bunch of pampas in a vase
A collection of small plants and bushes Set 813
ABB Decento
Abies guatemalensis
ABK Dolphin Oak 200×1200
ABS House V68
Abstract sculpture hypercube
Acer Travelmate P645 notebook
Alex Monotone Desk
Amboan event
Amy Armchair Bielefelder Werkstaetten
Anderson Armchair
Anthony chair
Antonelli Moravio
Anzazo chandelier
Apple iPhone X (vray GGX)
Aqueduct Open End 230 cm
Arbor Club Armchair
Arbor in a modern style (2 options)
Arbor in a modern style .png
Arm chair_Husk
Armchair Angel
Armchair Cloud
Armchair Dudet by Cassina
Armchair Este
Armchair KEROS by Laskasas
Armchair New York Bergere Saba Italia
Armchair OTIS
Armchair Poliform Shanhai
Arper chair
art work set_21
Arteriors Phoebe Vases
Arthur Concepto
Article Savis chair and Bolero table
Artipieces Akia vase set with pomegranate branches
Ashi Nightstand
Aspenhome Young Classics Executive Desk
Aster Arthur Haines & Buatta Stool
Aston martin dbs superleggera
Aston Martin-DBX
Autumn Acer cappadocicum (coliseum maple)
Autumn grass
AVE Scandinavian Christmas
B&B Italia Harry Sofa
Baby bath set 02
Baked meat with grilled vegetables with spices
Baker Almandine Sofa
Baker No 8650 table
Bakette Avalon IPE Cavalli
Bales of hay
Ball table lamp by Helen Loom
Bank Pendant Lamp by Menu .png
Banksia spinulosa Cherry candles
Barstool luno
Bastian Chair by Four Hands
Bath set
Bathroom accessories 4
Bathroom decor
Bathroom Furniture 1
Bathroom Furniture 3
Bathroom Furniture 20
Bathroom furniture 83 with faucet by Gessi
Bathroom furniture Caprigo Napoli
Bathroom furniture set Bespoke 7
Bathroom Set BS16
Bed Chievo 80 from divan
Bed Childroom Set 7
Bed from the factory Bolzan collection Clay headboard in the style of Sheen
Bed meridiani cliff
Bed RH Modena Bed
Bed Shelden 60
Bed sofa Mini
Bench Vaili Happy Light
BEND Bed by Ditreitalia
Bicycle cafe
Biface Buisseau La Redoute Table and Chairs
BILLY bookcase
Bio fireplaces
Birthday set
Black Marble 4
Bmw i3
Bmw M5 2021
Bocci 00 8-11-20 lights
BoConcept Carlton Chaise Longue Sofa
BoConcept Lugano bed
Bontempi Queen armchair
Bookcase one-door Andersen by Etg-Home .png
Bosch set
Brabbu Eanda Bar Chair
Brabbu Plum Bar Chair
Brabbu STOLA Bar Chair
Brasilia Lounge Chair + Ottoman by Menu
BRIDEs VEIL Bar Chair & Counter Stool
Brioni outdoor armchair
Brokis Balloons Floor Table Lamp
Bross Hug & Thor
Brume Chandelier
Brynn Table Lamp of Westelm
Bubble Rock Set
Built-in acoustics B&O Celestial
Bunny Floor Mirror by Circu
Burlington BL21 BL23 BL24 BL25
Burmese Carved Angel Fragment
Bust Ares
Buzao Ooops Lampatron Lilla Black Pendant Lamps
Cactus & plant vol 6
Calligaris boulevard sophia
Canopy set
Capri Pedi Spa
Carousel 02
carpet covering 54
Carpet Linie Design Norwich Gray Rug
Casa +39 Encore Italia Tholos Coffee Tables
Casio G-Shock Watch
Cask Sofa
Cassina Mex Hi Set
Cattelan Italia Arcadia bar chair
Cattelan Italia Arena Full Complication
Cattelan italia Silvester
Cazarina Dining Table RENMARK
CB2 Santoro and Jaxx – Coffee and Side Tables
Ceiling Lamp VEROLI by ST LUCE
Ceiling light sunset silver 615-08-03
Center Table
Ceramic Tiles Kerama Marazzi Bianco Nero
Chaddock Laslo Daybed
Chair Bernhardt Marquesa Arm Chair (359-542)
Chair OLAF
Chair Wingback and table Stack 50
Chairs Leos and Bristol From
Chaise Lounge Barker
Chandelier Colosseo80314-8W Clementina Chrome
4036 S1 Dali pendant lamp (Luca Maria Arosio and Paolo Emanuele Nava)
A set of curtains and Roman curtains Gray scale
Air One by Linea Fabbrica
Armchair bag with bright print (set of 5 pieces)
Axor one 03
Bathroom Decor Set 05 – Black Set with pampas Plant
Bed Dream By Bonaldo
Bed ECHO by DOMKAPA (modern style)
Bernhardt Clarendon Cocktail Tables
Biscuit 6 models
Bonaldo True Bed
Bouquet with freesias and eucalyptus
Brown Wardrobe Walk-in Closet Black Glass Door Simple and Luxury
Budapestair sofa
Carpets Nourison LATITUDES LATTD Collection
cat house
Chairs OPERA
Chandelier Flos IC Lights
Chandelier Light Vargov 12
Chandelier Light Vargov Fiber optic light
Chandelier Masiero 6190
Chandelier serip bijout big
CHAPEAU chair DEER table
Cheese Plate With Sausages and Wine Alcohol
Chelini Sofa Table Art 1251
Chelsea sofa
Chest factory Bacci Stile
Chest of drawers in east style
Chest of Drawers Poltrona Frau Lloyd
Chest – Siena Avorio
Children bed House with a rack
Childrens bed in the form of a house
Christmas Decorative set sk_2
Christmas table setting Pottery Barn
Christmas tree 4 Vray
Cinema Cart set 1
Circa Rousseau Medium Bracketed Sconce
Citroen C5 X 2022
Classic Books 08
Classic Flower Shop
Clermont Chair
Cmoky Cap Lighthouse (Australia)
Cobbles 1
Coffee point – bar 80
Coffee shop reception Restaurant counter by hanging plant – 03
Coffee table add-on Trebor AM.PM
Coffee table CHARLESTON by Frato
Coffee table Chelini
Coffee table decor set 73
Coffee table LaLume
Coffee Tables Set by Christophe Delcourt
Collection Indoor Plants 020
Collection Linear Chandelier
Collection of decorative trees in black pots topiary Set 751
Collection of interior plants in white rattan baskets Set 713
Collection of kitchen sinks 14
collection of vases 6 pieces + pictures
Collection of wall lamps
Collection ofminimalist pendants_2
Collection plant vol 99
Collins Bar Chair
Composition in the nursery_2
Concrete Toilet Set
Conoid Dining Table by George Nakashima
Console EMPILEE Van der Straeten
Console Skog Konstruktor Olga Olgovna
Contemporary bar stool
Copper Crystal Pendant
Corner sofa Alberta Salotti Santorini
Coup Detat party UP-CS-27
Cozy chair and Dorian table – connubia calligaris
Crate and Barrel pillow set
Cream Marble Material 8K (Seamless Tileable) No 101
Crescent Swivel Chair
CRISTINA Rubinetterie
Cult Audrey Occasional Tub Lounge Chair
Curtain A651
Curtains 314
Curtains 91 with Tulle
Custom motorcycle
Cymbidium Orchid
D 154 2 armchair by Molteni
Daeyang electric Loomlight Ceiling light Fx-220d
Dantone Home Contempo Shelving
David Pompa – Origo white
Davide groppi sampei
Deck chair Vondom ULM Moon with roof
Decor 14 with books
Decor 24 (Vase with Pampas and Eucalyptus)
Decor Set 22
Decor Set 38 with sculptures by Arteriors
Decor Set 67
Decor set for boy
Decorated glucophones
Decorative Astronaut
Decorative bathroom set 205
Decorative coffee table set 45
Decorative composition – Sphere
Decorative coral
Decorative panel 4
Decorative panel
Decorative pillows set 116
Decorative pillows ин Kuchenland Home set 186
Decorative plaster with molding 30
Decorative Set 003
Decorative set 06
Decorative set 10 with clock
Decorative set 34
Decorative Set 6
Decorative Set 94
Decorative set for baby
Decorative set for the kitchen 9
Decorative set for the nursery 9
Decorative set in the nursery 5
Decorative set of art paintings 11
Decorative set with cosmetics
Decorative set with magazines
Decorative set with roses
Decorative set-050
Decorative set65
Decorative Stucco 439 – 8K Material
Decorative wall 101
Decorative wall 168
Decorative wall panel №6
Decorative_set_09 witn console
Deer Figurine
Delie 2 Pendant light
Delongi kitchen appliance set
Deluxe Macrame Chair with Fringe
Denver Denver With An Ottoman From
Design Mix Furniture Collection of 16 pieces
Design project of a coffee shop with a showcase with desserts and sweets and a coffee machine
Desire Bed by Sensorsleep
Desk and Chair
Dialma Brown DB001492
Dimmable pendant Thor
Dinghy (dinghy)
Dining set 1 with OLLE table
Dining Set CB2 (Circuit Table and Inesse Chair)
Dining table Alchymia Emma + 8 chairs Elvira
Dinning Set 108 (Calligaris HOLLY chair and Abrey table by Buratti
Dinning set 21
Dinning Set 49
Diplopia Armchair
Ditre Italia Claire Bed 1
Door 0001
Door Collection 11-Interior – Glass Door
Door Incanto
Door with Stained Glass Model 45
Doric Bath
Dressing room Benedetti luxury_2
Drott B
Dutchbone FRANKY barstool